The core values express our convictions and beliefs. We strive to integrate compassion, respect and constancy at the heart of what we do.
OSS is a registered charity providing surgical and medical care for children and adults with musculoskeletal diseases in the underprivileged in India esp. Eastern India. The charity funding is used to finance treatment in a hospital based facility. The charity arranges equipments, instruments and implants for carrying out successful surgeries in children, adolescents and adults. The charity arrange teams consisting of specialist surgeons, nurses and other operating room personnel based abroad for the annual surgical camps. Regular clinics and surgical procedures are undertaken by the UK, USA and India based qualified surgeons and nurses. The surgeons and nurses in the team trains medical professionals and raise the standard of care in the region.
The goal is to establish an autonomous centre of excellence which will deliver the services for all spinal and children orthopedic diseases on a continuous basis.
“Only a life lived for others is the life worthwhile” – Albert Einstein