Founder & of Chairman Operation Straight Spine Trust Prof (Dr) Ujjwal Kanti Debnath, associated with Mr K K Gupta, Chairman of Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Budge Budge to organize the 18th Spinal deformity Surgical workshop “Operation Straight Spine” at JIMSH, Budge Budge, Kolkata 700137, from 3rd -8th Mar 2025. The 5th Kolkata Spine deformity conference will be held on 2nd Mar 2025 from 10AM to 5PM.
OSS is the first-ever global outreach project on spinal surgery in India, consisting of outpatient clinics, major spine surgery interventions, wards rounds, and teaching seminars. This charitable mission has been ongoing for last 17years. The program facilitates surgical treatment for under privileged children and young adults with scoliosis or kyphosis. OSS supports training and education of Orthopaedic trainees and nursing staff at the hospital. OSS workshop is always attended by spinal surgical fellows from other institutes around India and abroad. Many international surgeons and nurses (from USA, Europe and UK) attend and support OSS in its endeavor.
OSS welcomes parents of children who suffer from spinal deformity to come forward for their treatment under OSS during the workshop.
High prevalence of musculoskeletal deformity in many developing nations esp. in children can be a major source of emotional stress and socio-economic hardship. Spinal deformities may worsen over time leading to increased misery, physical disability, and loss of independence. OPERATION STRAIGHT SPINE outreach project is developed to maintain a recognized spinal treatment service in a developing nation for those individuals who could not otherwise afford or have access to such services
The ongoing project called Operation Straight Spine (OSS), providing spinal surgical camps in local hospitals in India. A two week surgical camp was inadequate to meet the huge need for patient care with spinal problems in the region. OSS highlighted the need for a more permanent solution in the region.
Monetary donations to the Operation Straight Spine Trust will help us to continue to provide high quality medical care to those who need it most. OSS is staffed by a dedicated group of individuals who generously donate their time and talents so that OSS can continue to fulfill its mission. Their volunteerism helps to keep our administrative costs very low so that a high percentage of your donation can be directed to where it is needed most - helping those with spinal disorders. Your donation helps to pay for the cost of equipment, supplies, medication and transportation.
Please use the Donate page to make your gift via any card, UPI, wallets, netbanking, bank transfers etc. You can also send a cheque favouring Operation Straight Spine.